Hello Cheerleader’s and Parents; I held a meeting on Sunday at 2pm @ JPII for all the girls that wish to try out for cheerleader for 2012-2013 school year.
Tryout information covered:
• Friday, March 2nd is the tryout date. Girls will have a MANDATORY practice on Monday the 27th, 6:00-7:00 PM and Wednesday the 29th, 5:00-7:00 PM. We will get there and stretch and when the gym becomes available we will go in there. Monday is to make sure everyone has a cheer and chant and help them where they need it. Wednesday is a MOCK TRYOUT. This is where they will run through it as if it was the real thing. Family and friends are welcome for support to the Mock Tryout. The actual tryout on Friday, March 2, 2012 will be a CLOSED tryout.
• There will be a Varsity and JV squad next year. The incoming freshman will automatically be on the JV. I want the girls to have something to look forward to being on the Varsity is a privilege.
• I will be handing out the constitution to the girls on Monday’s practice. It must be signed before and returned to me by Friday before the girls tryout. If it is not, the girl will not be able to tryout
out until it is signed. I am doing this because I want everyone aware of the expectations before they make the choice to cheer or not, so that everyone is aware and informed.
• I want to take the girls that make it on Varsity to camp this summer. I want to take them to the UCA camp that will be at UT Austin. After tryouts we can discuss which dates work the best for
everyone. It will be a 3-day, 2-night camp. I will be going with them. It will be a lot of fun. I have been to that exact camp in high school. It is a great experience.
I am very honored and excited to be the new cheer coach. These are GREAT girls and I know we have a lot to offer JP 2 as we continue to grow and progress.
If you have ANY questions or concerns feel free to contact me at [email protected] or on my cell at 512-558-1010. Thank you so much and I look forward to starting a new journey with these girls
God Bless,
Brooke Rollert
Cheerleader Tryouts for 2012-2013:
· For all interested girls (current students)
· Friday, March 2, 2012
· JPII Practice Gym
· 5:00-7:00 pm (be at gym by 4:15 pm)
· CLOSED tryout
· Must have signed Cheer Constitution to tryout
Preparation/Tryout Includes: Jumps
1. Toe Touch
2. Herkie
3. Jump of Choice Tumbling Chant:One of Your Choice Cheer: One of Your Choice