Catholic Life Sweepstakes & Ticket Sales Opportunity Every student selling 20 tickets by Tuesday, 18 October receives a cookie in solidarity class on Thursday, 20 October.
There will be an opportunity for families to sell Catholic Life raffle tickets after mass at Sts. Peter & Paul on the weekend of 15 & 16 October. Please use the link below to sign up!
Thursday, 13 October Confessions Confession will be available tomorrow during 5
th and 6
th period.Sign up at the front office.
Herff Jones Herff Jones will be back to talk to juniors and seniors to pick up graduation and ring orders. Please bring your packets!
Friday, 14 October Middle School Football/Cheer Night Football teams from middle schools in the Archdiocese are invited to attend the football game vs. Sacred Heart at TLU at 7:30 pm.
Saturday, 15 October, 12 pm Middle School Day Use the link below to sign up!
2016 Public Square Rosary Crusade- 15 October, 12 pm The Holy Rosary will be prayed at Pickrell Park in Schertz and OLPH Parking Lot for the Festival Workers. For more information contact Jeanne Knotts at (210)912-1160
Tuesday, 18 October-MASS DAY is Tuesday, not Wednesday this week.
Wednesday, 19 October- PSAT/SAT Day- Blue & Gold Dress!
Thursday, 20 October- Volleyball Senior Night Senior Volleyball players will be recognized at the JPII Volleyball game vs. Round Rock Concordia, 6:30 pm at NBCA new gym.
Friday, 21 October- End of the 1st quarter
Saturday, 29 October 2106 JPII Cheer Clinic The JPII Cheerleaders will be hosting a cheer clinic for students in grades kinder to 8
th on Saturday, 29 October from 9-12. The cost is $30 and includes a t-shirt and admission to the JPII Football game vs. Geneva. Please fill out the registration form and turn in to the front office.
During student drop off and pick up hours, please do not park your car in the drop off lane (horseshoe out front) to come inside the school. If you need to come inside, please use the parking lot in front of the school or the side parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.