What’s Going on at SJPII?...
Thursday, 17 August
TACO THURSDAY!, 730 am: Every Thursday we have breakfast tacos for sale on campus, donated by Ms. Cantu and the Culebra Meat Market. Each week, proceeds go toward a different student activity and the students involved in that activity sell them. We sell bean and cheese, bacon and egg and potato and egg. Tacos are one for $2 or two for $3.
Friday, 18 August
Divine Mercy Chaplet: All students, faculty and parents are invited to join in praying the Divine Mercy chaplet each Friday at 3:05pm in St. Michael’s Chapel. Feel free to pray with us on Fridays even if you can’t be present on campus!
Monday, 22 August: Back to School Night, 630-830pm. Report to the Guardian Chapel (see previous newsletter)
Tuesday, 23 August
Spirit Wear Orders Due, 8am: Don’t miss your chance to buy stadium seats, yard signs, booster passes and all of your Guardian spirit wear. Orders are due to the front office by 8am. All forms can be found on the school website and are categorized by long sleeve, short sleeve, tanks, jackets etc.
Click here to shop for spirit wear!
Interested in serving on the Guardian Parent Group Leadership Team? Join us for an organizational meeting Tuesday, 23 August, 645pm. Contact Mr. Iliff, [email protected] or Mr. Rosales, [email protected]
Wednesday, 24 August: Senior Parent Meeting, 645pm in the cafeteria
Thursday, 25 August
Join us for our first pep rally where we will recognize our fall sports and kick off our first HOME football game of the season!
Monday, 29 August
Travis Day!
On the 29th of every month (noted otherwise on the calendar a few months) we remember Mr. Travis by wearing the Travis shirt. For our new students, Mr. Travis passed away in February of 2013 -- he is missed and this is one way that we remember him and his gift and his life of service. Shirts can be purchased at the office for $15 and are pictured right.
SJPII Student Activities
Thursday, 18 August
Guardian Football Scrim. @ Cornerstone, 5pm
Any ladies interested in soccer, please head to Coach Macias’ rm. (403) during tutoring time, 3pm.
Friday-Saturday, 19-20 August
Varsity Volleyball @ SAISD Tournament
F & JV Volleyball @ Geneva Tournament
Tuesday, 23 August
F/JV/V Volleyball @Randolph, 5/6/7 pm
Wednesday, August 24
The Rosary Club will resume their regular meetings starting Wednesday, 24 August. The Rosary Club allows students to come together to learn how to craft rosaries in order to serve the community and to grow in faith. Members meet once a month to make rosaries together and once a month to pray the rosary as a group. Meetings are every Wednesday in rm. 313.
Thursday, 25 August
V Football vs. Natalia, 730 pm at TLU
The fan bus will leave at 6 pm. Sign up at the front office!
**The football team is looking for team managers. Please see Coach McCabe if you are interested**
Wednesday, 24 August: Picture Day, 715am.
Emergency contact forms must be on file for all students. You can find this form at http://www.johnpaul2chs.org/documents/2016/6/16-17%20Student%20Health%20Emerg%20Form.pdf.