Click here to view a .pdf of Guardian News! for the week of 21 November 2016
What’s Going on at SJPII?...
Guardian Gift: 2016-2017 Annual Fund
Click on the links below to find out more about The Guardian Gift and how you can give to St. John Paul II as well as past, present and future Guardians!
Catholic Life Sweepstakes & Ticket Sales
Every student selling 40 tickets by Tuesday, 29 November will receive BLUE & GOLD DRESS on 12/2 and 12/9
Monday, 28 November- Fall Sports Awards Night
Guardian Chapel, 7 pm
Join us as we celebrate our Fall sports teams. We will recognize all members of our football, volleyball and cross country teams as well as All-District, All-State Teams.
Tuesday, 29 November
There is still space available for the 2017 Rome Pilgrimage. It is not too late to sign up. Brochures are available with Holly at the front desk and registration can be turned in to Holly as well.
The next Rome Pilgrimage meeting is Tuesday November 29, 2017 at 6:30 pm. We will discuss
Call or email Elaine Gilman if you have questions. [email protected], 830-237-9386
Tuesday, 29 November- Travis Day!
Thursday, 8 December- Advent Brunch
Friday, 9 December- Angel Tree Project
The sophomore class has filled a Christmas tree in the front lobby with donations needed from each class that they will arrange into baskets and deliver to the DePaul Family Center during Advent. Please have your student pick up one or a few tags!
Monday, 12 December- SJPII Orchestra Concert
SJPII Cafeteria, 7 pm
Volunteer Opportunities
OLPH New Braunfels 90th Anniversary Dinner
Please Consider Volunteering for this special event!
SJPII Student Activities
Congratulations to our Women’s Soccer team on their win over Antonian Thursday night!
Congratulations to the Men’s Freshman and JV Basketball teams for their wins over Natalia Friday evening.
•Monday, 29 November
F/JV/V Men’s and JV/V Women’s Basketball
@ Holy Cross Men:5,730 pm Women: 5, 615 pm
•Monday, 29 November
Women’s Soccer at Holy Cross, 4 pm
•Thursday, 1 December
Women’s and Men’s Soccer at Cornerstone, 5 & 7 pm
•Thursday- Saturday, 1-3 December
Women’s and Men’s Basketball at Johnson City Tournament. Times : TBA
•Thursday- Saturday, 1-3 December
Swim at NEISD Swim Meet
Dead Days: 14 & 15 December
Final Exams: December 16, 19-20
Christmas Break: 21 December-3 January
First day, 2nd Semester: 4 January