Click here to view a .PDF of Guardian News for the week of 26 September 2016!
What’s Going on at SJPII?...
If you have not turned in your $3 for the field trip, please bring your money Monday.
Catholic Life Raffle
Students who well 10 tickets by Tuesday, 27 September will receive ONE FRIDAY FREE DRESS PASS!
Confessions will be heard Tuesday, 27 September during 5th & 6th period.
THURSDAY, 29 September
Mass Day, TRAVIS DAY!, Feast of St. Michael
Dress is your Travis shirt, jeans and closed toe shoes
OLPH 8th grade tour
Friday, 30 September- Senior Photo Day
Dress for Seniors for the day is the senior t-shirt with jeans and tennis shoes.
Herff Jones Graduation and Junior Ring Orders
Herff Jones will be on campus on Friday, 30 September at 8 am to talk with Seniors about graduation item orders during their photo day.
They will then come back at lunch time to hand out packets to Juniors about ring orders and to answer any questions.
Community Work Day- 1 October, 8 am
We have a few more projects we want to get done around campus. If you plan on coming to help, please e-mail Mrs. Gonzalez at [email protected]. Thanks!
Please use the link below if you can help us welcome families that are interested in joining the SJPII family.
This week in solidarity…
SJPII Student Activities
JPII Football defeated San Marcos Academy defeated San Marcos Academy 40-0 in their first district game last night!
Monday, 26 September
Freshman Volleyball @ Holy Cross, 6 pm
Tuesday, 27 September
Varsity Volleyballv @ Round Rock Concordia, 6pm
Wednesday, 28 September
Creative Writing Club will meet at 3 pm in rm. 410
F/JV/V Volleyball @ Holy Cross, 5/6/7 pm
Thursday, 29 September
Varsity Volleyball @ Marble Falls Faith Academy
Saturday, 1 October
Cross Country meet in Houston
HOMECOMING DANCE!!- Saturday, 22 October
Seniors are reminded to bring your $10 for Senior Photo Day. This CAN NOT be charged to your account.
School Council Mtg- Tuesday, 4 October, 645
Rome Pilgrimage Mtg- Wed. 12 October, 645 pm in the media center
Friday, 7 & 14 October- NOON DISMISSALS
PSAT/SAT Testing Day- Wednesday, 19 October