What’s Going on at SJPII?...
Guardian Parent Group Mtg.- Thursday, 8 September 2016
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Parent Teacher Conferences- Monday, 19 September 2016
A sign up genius will be e-mailed on Wednesday, 7 September. This will give parents an opportunity to sign up for 10 minute conference sessions with teachers that they would like to speak with.
Comal County Fair Parade- 23 September 2016
We still need students to help represent SJPII in the parade. This is a service hour opportunity for students. Please see Mrs. Gonzalez if you can help.
Freshman Lock-In- 24 September 2016
Freshman Lock-In Permission Slip
Community Work Day- Saturday, 1 October 2016
The next work day will be the first Saturday in October. The last two work days made a big impact on our campus. There are a few more projects we would like to get done and we are asking for your help!
** Parents, are you on RenWeb? Make sure you have access. E-mail [email protected] if you have any questions**
This week in solidarity…
The Sophomore Retreat is covered in this week’s newsletter. Enjoy!
SJPII Student Activities
JPII Football defeats D’Hanis, 20-6
JPII Volleyball goes 2-1 on the first day of the St. Mary’s Hall Tournament to advance to the Gold bracket. Their first game is at 10:15 am vs. St. Anthony.
There is a sign up sheet for anyone interested in men’s soccer at the front office.
Tuesday, 6 September
JPII VB vs. Marble Falls Faith @ NBCA Old Gym
6 & 7 pm
Chess Club
The first meeting is at 3 pm Wednesday, 7 September in room 410.
Creative Writing Club
The first meeting is at 3 pm Thursday, 8 September 8 in room 410.
Friday, 9 September
JPII Football @ LaPryor, 730 pm
*There will be a fan bus for this away game!*
Monday, 5 September: Labor Day, NO SCHOOL!!
Pilgrimage to Rome informational meeting- Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Junior Research Field Trip- Wednesday, 14 September 2016
**Please be sure your students are reading the weekly newsletters**