Click here to view a .pdf of Guardian News! for 30 November 2016
What’s Going on at SJPII?...
Guardian Gift: 2016-2017 Annual Fund
We have made great progress on the Annual Fund so far and we are looking forward to this next push. Look for a video link to be sent soon that you can share with family and friends. Remember too, that we are taking class totals.
Click here to donate to the Guardian Gift!
Catholic Life Sweepstakes & Ticket Sales
Every student selling 40 tickets by Tuesday, 6 December will receive BLUE & GOLD DRESS on 12/9.
Friday, 2 December- Texas Tech Admissions Rep
A representative from Texas Tech University will be here at 10:30 to meet with Juniors and Seniors.
Wednesday, 7 December- Tennis Meeting, 7 pm
There will be a meeting for all parents and students interested in playing Tennis this year.
Thursday, 8 December
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Mass at 815 am & Advent Brunch to follow
Each year we have a large all school brunch following Mass. All are welcome to join us for this special morning.
Friday, 9 December- Angel Tree Project
The sophomore class has filled a Christmas tree in the front lobby with donations needed from each class. Please have your student pick up one or a few tags!
Monday, 12 December- Mass, 905 am
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Monday, 12 December- SJPII Orchestra Concert
SJPII Cafeteria, 7 pm
Friday, 16 December- Principal’s Breakfast
Students are invited to stop in on the first day of exams to get a free breakfast in preparation for exams. Parents are needed to help cook and serve. Please e-mail Mrs. Gonzalez , [email protected] if you would like to help!
Saturday, 7 January- Annual SJPII Chili Cook-Off
SAVE THE DATE! – and look for more information coming soon on how to enter your chili into the cook-off!
Volunteer Opportunities
This coming Saturday evening, the school has been asked to help with a special service project in New Braunfels, and we are asking the freshmen class to help make this possible. Other classes are welcomed to sign up as well. Volunteers are asked to wear their school uniform. Use the link below to sign up.
SJPII Student Activities
Congratulations to our swimmers who competed at the Dual Swim Meet at Palo Alto last week and high point scorers Sarah Feider and Giancarlo Salas-Avila.
•Thursday, 1 December
Women’s and Men’s Soccer at Cornerstone, 5 & 7 pm
•Thursday & Saturday, 1 & 3 December
Men’s Basketball at Johnson City Tournament. First game at 10:30 am.
•Friday & Saturday, 2- 3 December
Women’s Basketball at Johnson City Tournament. First game at 10:30 am.
•Monday, 5 December- First HOME game!
Women’s and Men’s Soccer vs. Our Lady of the Hills
Weston Fields, 4 & 6 pm (254 Doeppenschmidt Road, New Braunfels, TX 78130)
•Tuesday, 6 December
Freshman Men’s Basketball at NB Canyon, 5 pm
•Tuesday, 6 December
JV/Varsity Men’s Basketball at Randolph, 5/630 pm
Final Exams: December 16, 19-20
Christmas Break: 21 December-3 January
First day, 2nd Semester: 4 January