Catholic Life Sweepstakes & Ticket Sales Opportunity Every student selling 20 tickets by Tuesday, 11 October gets ONE FRIDAY FREE DRESS PASS to be distributed on Thursday, 13 October.
There will be an opportunity for families to sell Catholic Life raffle tickets after mass at Sts. Peter & Paul on the weekend of 15 & 16 October. Please use the link below to sign up!
Wednesday, 12 October, 6:45 pm Rome Pilgrimage Mtg. in the media center This meeting will focus on
preparing for pilgrimage
possible fundraising for individuals
preparing for international travel - including passports, currency exchange, electrical conversion, what to wear, and that ever burning question - “Will my blow dryer work in Italy?”
Registration forms will be available. We will be accepting forms and deposits.We will have a door prize drawing for prizes!!
Please join us!! If unable to attend, you can call or email me with questions or to add yourself to the list.
Elaine Gilman(830-237-9386)
[email protected] Friday, 14 October Middle School Football/Cheer Night Football teams from middle schools in the Archdiocese are invited to attend the football game vs. Sacred Heart at TLU at 7:30 pm.
Saturday, 15 October, 12 pm Middle School Day Middle school volleyball teams in the Archdiocese are invited to attend the volleyball game vs. Brentwood Christian at New Braunfels Christian Academy(new gym). Use the link below to sign up.
Catholic Life Sweepstakes & Ticket Sales Opportunity Every student selling 20 tickets by Tuesday, 11 October gets ONE FRIDAY FREE DRESS PASS to be distributed on Thursday, 13 October.
There will be an opportunity for families to sell Catholic Life raffle tickets after mass at Sts. Peter & Paul on the weekend of 15 & 16 October. Please use the link below to sign up!
Wednesday, 12 October, 6:45 pm Rome Pilgrimage Mtg. in the media center This meeting will focus on
preparing for pilgrimage
possible fundraising for individuals
preparing for international travel - including passports, currency exchange, electrical conversion, what to wear, and that ever burning question - “Will my blow dryer work in Italy?”
Registration forms will be available. We will be accepting forms and deposits.We will have a door prize drawing for prizes!!
Please join us!! If unable to attend, you can call or email me with questions or to add yourself to the list.
Elaine Gilman(830-237-9386)
[email protected]
Friday, 14 October Middle School Football/Cheer Night Football teams from middle schools in the Archdiocese are invited to attend the football game vs. Sacred Heart at TLU at 7:30 pm.
Saturday, 15 October, 12 pm Middle School Day Middle school volleyball teams in the Archdiocese are invited to attend the volleyball game vs. Brentwood Christian at New Braunfels Christian Academy(new gym). Use the link below to sign up.
During student drop off and pick up hours, please do not park your car in the drop off lane (horseshoe out front) to come inside the school. If you need to come inside, please use the parking lot in front of the school or the side parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.