Guardian News- Week of 15 August 2016
What’s Going on at SJPII?...
Monday, 15 August
Student Retreat Day, 8am: Students should report to school by 8 am in their NAVY BLUE shirt JPII shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. This is the navy blue shirt with John Paul II written across the chest in gold. Students will be given a burger and chips for lunch and then head out to Annunciation Church in St. Hedwig. We will return by 3:30 pm.
Back to School BBQ, 630 pm: Meet, greet and eat with other members of the SJPII community. Bring your lawn chairs and be sure to dress cool. Don’t miss your first opportunity to purchase athletic booster passes, stadium seats, yard signs and all of your Guardian spirit wear!
Tuesday, 16 August: First day in full uniform
Monday, 22 August
Back to School Night, 630-830 pm: At Back to School Night you will receive a copy of your student’s schedule and go through what their normal day looks like. Through mini sessions in each class you will have an opportunity to meet student’s teachers and ask any questions you may have regarding that specific class. We look forward to seeing you there!
Wednesday, 24 August
Picture Day, 7:15am: Lifetouch will be on campus beginning at 7:15 am to take individual pictures of all students. Pictures will be used for IDs as well as for the yearbook. Attire is MASS DRESS (gents- white button up and tie)
Senior class of 2017 Meeting, 645 pm in the cafeteria: Mr. Iliff and Dr. Garrett will review pertinent information regarding your student’s senior year as well as all of the senior events you should be aware of!
SJPII Student Activities
Tuesday, 16 August
SJPII Volleyball @ Providence
JV & Varsity, 530 & 630 pm.
Wednesday, 17 August
SJPII Volleyball @ Brackenridge
F, JV & Varsity, 530,530 & 630 pm (F/JV play at the same time in separate gyms).
Thursday, 18 August
Guardian Football Scrim. @ Cornerstone, 5pm
Friday-Saturday, 19-20 August
Varsity Volleyball @ SAISD Tournament
F & JV Volleyball @ Geneva Tournament
• Arrival after 8 am- tardy to school. Please be sure to set your alarms tonight. Students must be in their first period classroom at 8 am to be on time to school.
• Immunization records must be up to date and on file in the office. If Ms. Blackman has reached out to you over the summer, this needs to be resolved right away. Thanks!
• Emergency contact forms must be on file for all students. Please note that this form is not the same as the TAPPS paperwork that was filled out at physicals night, though very similar. If you aren’t sure if you have turned yours in, please contact the front office at 830.643.0802. You can find this form at