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•••• Updates for 16 October 2013 ••••
• NO SCHOOL – Friday, 18 October 2013 – Teacher Professional Development Day
•• Next Quarterly All Parent Meeting is Monday, 28 October 2013, 6:45 p.m.
••• First Quarter Ends – Thursday, 17 October 2013. Report cards will be finalized early next week.
PACK the GYM – Monday, 21 October 2013, 6:45 p.m. The final volleyball regular season home game is against Shiner St. Paul. The game is for first place in the district, and it’s Senior Night for volleyball and cross country athletes. The game is at Clemens HS Gym.
Catholic Life Sweepstakes Thank you for the solid start to the Catholic Life Sweepstakes! Students have sold $10,660.00 worth of tickets the five weeks, with 44% of the families participating so far. Here is next week’s incentive:
10/22/13 Sell 30 tickets Every student selling 30 tickets receives ONE FRIDAY FREE DRESS PASS.
Home football game This Friday, our varsity hosts Hallettsville Sacred Heart at 7:30 p.m. at the Judson grey campus. There is no fan bus, since there is no school on Friday – attend if you can. It’s Senior Night for football and cheerleaders – a time to recognize our seniors and their parents for four years of service. Congratulations to our team for their big win last week versus Shiner St. Paul (last year’s state champs). Our team is 5-1 on the year!
Volunteer opportunity This week Friday, we have an opportunity for service hours. We are looking for twenty-five students to head out to St. Thomas the Apostle Canyon Lake Parish. Last spring our Class of 2015 worked a full day on their parish grounds, working phase one of a garden area, walking trails, and reflection area. Friday, 18 October 2013, a day off for students, is phase two. They will be doing planting and expansion of the trails. We have about ten students signed up, and are looking for more. The work will start at 9 a.m. and run until 2 p.m. Please sign up on the counter. We will run a bus out to the site, if needed.
8th grade tours October is a big recruiting month for our school where we host area middle school 8th graders. We welcome JPII parents of these parishes to be in attendance these mornings to greet our visitors, attend Mass, & help serve refreshments after Mass. Please plan on attending as many as your schedule allows:
Wednesday, 23 October – Blessed Sacrament & Rolling Hills
4th Annual Guardians GALA Save the date: Our annual Guardians Gala will be held Wednesday, 20 November 2013. This year’s event honors Tom Peterson of Catholics Come Home. Please refer to the link: for additional information.
Founders’ DAY 9 November 2013 – 4th annual chili cook-off at 10 a.m. with Powder Puff to follow. Please contact Mrs. Margritz ([email protected]) if you are interested in volunteering for this year’s Founders’ Day events. She is going to call a committee meeting once all have signed up.
Open house This year we are planning on having our Open House during Founders’ Day. The hope is that this will be a well-attended event where prospective families can meet our JPII community and learn more about the great things that our school offers: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.