Copied below is the text from the newsletter, for fast reading.
•••• Updates for 18 March 2013 ••••
“Could you not wait one hour with me?”
Holy Hour this Thursday!: It’s Lent – it’s a great time for prayer – it’s a great time for Adoration.
This week, Thursday, 21 March 2013, from 7:00 – 7:45 p.m. at the school, we will be hosting a Holy Hour at the school. Help pack the St. Michael Chapel; we will be specifically keeping the freshmen ladies in prayer at that time, as they will be out at the Mission on retreat at that time. Parents are welcome – parents, please encourage your kids to attend. • Sign up on the front counter, so we know how many to expect. The school will provide pizzas and drinks, starting at 6 p.m.; when you sign up, let us know how many pieces of pizza you would like. The plan is for students to stay late and complete homework (in a study hall) or stay after track/ball practice. To encourage attendance, those in attendance can wear their Travis-Guardians shirt with jeans & tennis shoes to school if attending the Holy Hour.
Rodeo night!: This Saturday, 23 March 2013, the Equestrian Club will be hosting a Rodeo Night at the Tejas Rodeo. See the attached flyer.
Mr. Travis t-shirt sale: The shirts are in and were distributed Monday, and they look great. We did order some extras in case others are interested in buying one. Please call the school to place your order. Remember that any 29th of a month (or the school day closest) we will have a Travis-shirt day (the shirt, with jeans and tennis shoes – like a Blue & Gold Day). These will occur in perpetuity. The first full-school “St. Michael Day” will be next week on Thursday, 28 March 2013. That day is Holy Thursday, which is a noon release day.
Blue & Gold Dinner - save the date: Friday, 5 April 2013, 6:30 p.m. Parents, don’t miss out on this fun event! Also, the committee in charge of the event has started on the work of assembling silent and live auction items, both from individual donors and from classes. Please look for this information at the parent meeting next week and in the next newsletter. We are please to announce the return of the diamond pendant raffle, courtesy of Americus Diamond!
• Each year, the classes sponsor baskets to create fantastic live auction items. The seniors are putting together a t-shirt quilt; here are the items asked for from the other classes: Juniors: Fishing theme (parent contact - Tanya Moczygemba) Sophomore: Backyard BBQ Theme (parent contact - Sheila McCabe) Freshman: Cooking Theme (parent contact - Cary Skinner) • DROP OFF YOUR ITEMS AT THE FRONT COUNTER, STARTING THIS WEEK. •
Frosh Ladies Retreat: Just a final reminder that our Freshmen Ladies will be on retreat Thursday and Friday, 21-22 March out at the Mission of Divine Mercy. Please keep them in prayer during that special time they have out at the Mission.
Summer programs: The summer schedule is on the web site now! Check out the plans for summer classes and clinics!
Work Day: On Thursday, 25 April 2013, we will have our second annual service day. We have two large projects already, and are looking for two more. If you have any suggestions or contacts, please let Mr. Iliff know.
• Thanks to our executive student council for a great Field Day!