The text of the newsletter is copied below for easier reading:
•••• Updates for 28 February 2013 •••• Note this Friday: 2 p.m. dismissal! Pray for our Freshman Boys out on retreat today and Friday!
Third Quarter ends on Thursday, 7 March 2013 Field Day is Friday, 8 March 2013 – Noon dismissal that day. Spring break – 11-15 March 2013
IMPORTANT! Re-registration and course selection forms will be distributed to parents and students on Tuesday, 5 March 2013. Look for those via email first. We are going to be using RenWeb for a portion of the process; thanks! This will include tuition information for 2013-14 as well.
Parent Meeting next week: This coming Monday, 4 March 2013 is a monthly parent meeting, and we will have a short presentation and question & answer time with Coach Bob Olivera. Coach Olivera is our softball coach, and is retired from a long career in college administration, working most recently in financial aid. He is going to talk about the FAFSA form, and together with Mrs. Strickland, help to educate parents on this process and the information form that you get back. This will be a great session for parents to understand the financial aid process better, especially for junior and senior parents. We will be meeting in the chapel room at 7:00 p.m.
From 6:30-7:00 p.m., Mr. Iliff will be meeting with senior families to continue the planning surrounding Senior Luncheon, Baccalaureate Mass, and Graduation. This will be a chance to give the different planning committees more information.
Letter jackets!: Meca Sportswear, our letter jacket provider, will be here on Wednesday, 6 March at 5 p.m. to take orders and payment for the next round of letter winners. The order forms are rather long, so it is best to pick them up on the counter (rather than have them emailed). Call Meca at 210-651-6592.
Mr. Travis t-shirt sale: As emailed earlier, the school, led by the St. Maximillian Solidarity, is selling shirts in honor of Mr. Travis and to raise funds for the Travis family. We would like to extend this incentive to student sales, and a way for us to continue to remember Mr. Travis. On the 29th of each month (or the school day closest to that day), we will allow students and teachers to wear the shirt, with Blue & Gold dress standards (jeans, tennis shoes). This offer is extended in perpetuity, so we hope the shirts will be around for awhile. We are hoping to get the shirts ordered next week, so they are in, in time for 28 March 2013 (Holy Thursday). The 29th this month is Good Friday, and we are off. Thanks to those who have ordered. The form is on-line, and students were given a paper copy today in class.
Blue & Gold Dinner - save the date: Friday, 5 April 2013, 6:30 p.m. Parents, don’t miss out on this fun event! Also, the committee in charge of the event has started on the work of assembling silent and live auction items, both from individual donors and from classes. Please look for this information at the parent meeting next week and in the next newsletter. We are please to announce the return of the diamond pendant raffle, courtesy of Americus Diamond!
• Thanks to all of our students and teachers who helped with New Guardian Night – Thanks!
• Congratulations to our Academic Team – they placed second at the district meet on Monday! Excellent showing – now on to state!