The contents of the newsletter are copied below.
•••• Updates for 31 October 2013 ••••
• 2 p.m. Dismissal – Friday, 1 November 2013
PACK the GYM – Saturday, 2 November 2013, 2:00 p.m. - The second round of the volleyball playoffs is this weekend, as our team hosts the Indians of Sacred Heart Hallettsville. Our team received a first-round bye by virtue of winning the district. The game is at Clemens HS Gym. Reminder that season passes are not valid, nor are student ID’s. Since the game is jointly hosted by Sacred Heart School and JPII, we have to charge all attendees and then split the gate and costs with SHS. Thanks for your support! $5 adults, $3 students.
Congratulations! Well Done, Cross Country teams! As you know from earlier communication, the boys team won the state meet and the girls finished second. Great work! Many thanks to our parents for their support and hard work on behalf of our runners, especially our team parents the Sebastyns.
Catholic Life Sweepstakes:Thank you to those who have sold tickets so far!
Students have sold $12,460.00 worth of tickets the six weeks. Here is next week’s incentive:
11/05/13 Sell 40 tickets Every student selling 40 tickets receives ONE FRIDAY FREE DRESS PASS.
Football fan busses: This Friday, the varsity team travels to Bryan, Texas to take on St. Joseph’s. There will be a fan bus leaving campus at 4 p.m. Sign up on the front counter! • Also there will be a fan bus for the final regular season game of the year, versus St. Gerard’s, on Friday, 8 November. Sign up on the front counter! • Congratulations to our JV Football team. In the first year of play, the team went 3-4, and was in every game they played. Thanks to all of our kids for their hard work, and for their parents’ efforts keeping them involved in the team. Go Guardians!
Volunteer opportunity We are in need of sophomores to volunteer for the Guardians Gala, on Wednesday, 20 November 2013, from 4:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. There will be a sign-up sheet on the front counter next week. We need around 25 workers, and will run a bus from school and back to school to help with transportation. Know that those volunteers cannot be choir members. As we go forward, we are asking sophomores to help with Guardians Gala (20 Nov.) and freshmen to help with Knight with the Seminarians (22 Feb. 2014).
4th Annual Guardians GALA Our annual Guardians Gala will be held Wednesday, 20 November 2013. This year’s event honors Tom Peterson of Catholics Come Home. Please refer to the link: http://johnpaul2chs.org/?load=page&page=260 for buying tickets and tables.
Founders’ Day: Saturday, 9 November 2013 – 4th annual chili cook-off at 10 a.m. set up of chili stations, and 11 a.m. serving. The Powder Puff Tournament follows at 11:30. Please contact Mrs. Margritz ([email protected]) if you are interested in volunteering for this year’s Founders’ Day events.
Open house: This year we are planning on having our Open House during Founders’ Day. The hope is that this will be a well-attended event where prospective families can meet our JPII community and learn more about the great things that our school offers: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.