Senior Night:Saturday, 10 November 2012 at the final home football game of the season will be Senior Night for Senior football players and cheerleaders. Come on out to cheer on Joe, Brandi, and Cassidy.Remember too, there is an after-game party for students back at the school after the game.
Catholic Life Raffle Sales: Sales are moving along slow and steady with 10 weeks left to reach our goal of $30,000. We have raised $4,355 with the addition of the Wurstfest sales. Sales at Wurstfest can be fun and challenging with the changing traffic flows. If you are interested in a festival environment and ready for an opportunity to ask for the business from patrons, please contact Mrs. Moczygemba at [email protected] for open time slots this weekend. Send friends and relatives to our JPII web site for the page, to ask for their support too. Thank you for your commitment and continued good luck in your sales!
Sweater orders: Email Mrs. Sullivan if you are interested in the special sweater order (see the web site for the order form). The order will be placed on Thursday morning.
Canned Food Drive: We will be starting this week the annual canned food drive at Thanksgiving. The Solidarity groups will be competing against one another. More information will be sent home on Friday.
Next Parent Meeting is 10 December: We will have our next all parent meeting on 10 December. The topic will be the strategic plan for the school. There is no meeting in November.
Retama Park Night for Equestrian Club: The Equestrian Club is hosting “JPII Family Night at Retama Park” on Saturday, November 17th starting at 6:30. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Come out and see our school name in lights and in the printed program. Meet the trainers and the jockeys. A special race will be dedicated to JPII and remember to wear your JPII apparel for our group photo in the Winner's Circle. There will be free family fun activities for all. We hope everyone can be there.
Advent Decorations: One of our yearly traditions at the school is Advent decorations and Christmas trees in the school lobby. Each year, we ask and invite all new families to donate an ornament (along with a labeled storage box. Please drop off your ornament any time during the month of November.
Senior Photo Options: Sam’s Photography has dropped off in the lobby for senior parents some samples of different print options for senior photos, including canvas. Check them out if interested.
St. John’s Parish in San Marcos: Deacon Gorman has arranged for our school to be able to present at this weekend’s Masses at St. John’s Parish in San Marcos. If you are interested in helping him out, please contact the school office. There are Saturday p.m. and Sunday a.m. Masses to cover. Thanks!
Finally, thanks to all who helped with the Homecoming week events and activities, especially those who served on the committee, cooked and served chili, or helped the junior class or student council. It was a busy week, but a lot of fun for our students.