SJPIICHS Graduation Requirements
Diploma Plans: To graduate from St. John Paul II, a student must pass each course in the curriculum. Each student must complete the following requirements:
The diploma plan now has two parts; first is the foundation credits and then an endorsement. Though the plan is split, the school still requires of all students FOUR credits in the FIVE major areas:
• Theology
• English
• Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II)
• Science (Biology I, Chemistry, Physics)
• History (World History, World Geography, US History, Economics, Government)
••• And three credits of foreign language in the same language
• • • FOUNDATION • • • 24 credits • • •
Credits required in:
Theology (4)
Mathematics * (3) Note the foundation has 3 credits and the endorsement has the 4th math credit
Science ** (3) Note the foundation has 3 credits and the endorsement has the 4th science credit
Social Studies*** (3) Note the foundation has 3 credits and the 4th credit is a local requirement
English Language Arts (4)
Two years required in:
Foreign Language (2) Latin or Spanish
PE or athletics (1)
Fine arts (1)
Electives (3)
This can include a ½ credit Senior Project.
* Math courses must include Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II.
** Science courses must include Biology and Chemistry.
*** Social Studies courses must include Economics, Government, World History, U.S. History, and World Geography.
• • • ENDORSEMENT • • • 4 credits • • •
All endorsements are an additional four (4) credits, and all include:
Fourth Math Credit
Fourth Science Credit
• The additional two credits are toward a specific endorsement, as explained below: