Happy Feast of the Assumption! On a day like today, we take great comfort to have our Blessed Mother praying for us and interceding for us as we seek to become who we want to be: a school of humility, faith, courage, and love.
• ORGANIZATION DAY • Many thanks to all of the students who stopped by today to pick up their schedules, drop off supplies and forms, and check in to their lockers. We got a lot accomplished today, and were able to get much closer to having schedules right, supplies in place, and all the cars lined up for the green light.
• FIRST THINGS FIRST: CORE VIRTUES DAY • Tomorrow, Wednesday, 16 August, our first day of the year, we will again have our core virtues retreat morning, followed by Mass at Blessed Annunciation Parish in the afternoon. The only thing students need to bring tomorrow is themselves (in the correct uniform) and a good spirit! Blue & Gold dress with the navy blue John Paul II t-shirt (see right), tennis shoes, and jeans please.
When students arrive on campus, posted in the front lobby will be all of our Solidarity teams. Students will get a name tag from their Solidarity leaders, and will head to the chapel. We will start our year in prayer together at 8 a.m.
We will provide a burger lunch at 11:15, and then head to Blessed Annunciation Parish in St. Hedwig. We will arrive back to campus by 3:15 p.m.
We have plenty of the correct shirts available for sale ($10) if yours is worn out!