On behalf of the students, teachers, and staff of our school, we take the opportunity to greet all on this Christmas day, and wish Merry Christmas.
Our Advent waiting and preparing is now complete, and we have been given these next twelve days to celebrate and share the “good news of great joy which shall be for all people.”
May each of us, like Our Blessed Mother Mary, store this great joy in our hearts, pondering in our prayers and thoughts the coming of Christ Jesus, the Word made Flesh. And then, may we share that joy with our families, friends, and all we meet. May they know our Christmas joy by our words and actions.
Finally, may we walk confident of the angels, “the heavenly host,” that are with us this day. Guide us and protect us, Holy Angels; let us join their song in praise of our Savior.
Again, Merry Christmas to all – much peace this day and in the new year.