•••• Updates for 26 July 2015 •••• Beginning of the school year events
Back-to-school BBQ!: Wednesday, 12 August 2015, 6 - 8 p.m. Our Back-to-School BBQ is being held on Wednesday, 12 August 2015, in the cafeteria. Many thanks to the booster group committee that has been hard at work on this event.
• The BBQ dinner is for
all family members, and is especially
designed for ALL FAMILIES, not just new families, not just old families, not just families with young ones or only older ones.
ALL FAMILIES!!!! This year we will have a short program, to introduce new folks, to prep for the new year, and to welcome in new families.
To help the school through the first semester, we ask the following help with drinks:
Freshmen: 24 pack of water
Sophomores: ladies: 12 pack of Sprite, gents: 12 pack of Dr. Pepper
Juniors: Ladies: 12 pack of Diet Coke; Gents: 12 pack of Regular Coke
Seniors: Box of Capri Suns and a 12 pack of water
PLEASE DROP OFF AT THE SCHOOL DURING THE WEEK OF 3 August •OR• 10 August -- OR -- the morning of WEDNESDAY, 12 August.
Each year, our families have responded generously, and as a result, throughout the year we are able to serve drinks to students and guests (at after-game parties, meetings, team trips) – all from this initial gift of drinks (and at Homecoming & Founders Day). Each time, after these few appeals for drinks, we have enough to last the school year. Know that this effort to help benefits your Guardian and every other Guardian.
Feed the masses! Thank you!
Monday, 10 August: New Parent Orientation: NEW EVENT! On Monday evening, 10 August, from 6:45 - 8 p.m., we will have a presentation for all new parents and families, as a way to learn all that one might need to know about the school year, the daily schedule, the programs, events, and processes of our school. The presentation is called
“A Crash Course in All Things Guardian.” It is for parents, not students. New families, don’t miss this evening! Thanks to our Guardian Parent Board for this event!
Wednesday, 12 August: Student Organization Day: Students can report to campus for approximately 2-3 hours at a time convenient to the family, between 8 and 3 p.m. Each student will receive a checklist when they enter and will complete the following:
a) take ID photo;
b) get locker;
c) Review and sign paperwork
d) Check-in in the library
e) Review schedule
f) Log into RenWeb and update cell number, email and other data as needed.
g) Students who plan to bring a technology device from home as a part of the Bring-your-own-device program can bring the device that day and have it logged into the network. The school will record the serial number and the MAC address of the device. Only those devices will be allowed on the network. iPhones and other smartphones will not be allowed on the network.
Thursday, 13 August: Student Retreat Day: Arrive at 8 a.m., and spend the morning on campus, reviewing the school’s core virtues and what it means to be a Guardian. The school will provide lunch.
At noon, all students will be transported to Mass at Blessed Annunciation Parish. We will take our annual photo around the Saint John Paul II Papal Mass Chair.
• ON THURSDAY, STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN BLUE & GOLD DRESS for the annual photo, ALL STUDENTS NEED TO BE IN THE NAVY BLUE JOHN PAUL II SHIRT (see right). We have plenty in stock if needed.
FRIDAY, 14 August - is a full class day in uniform. 8 a.m.!