The contents of the newsletter are copied below for faster reading:
•••• Updates for 11 APRIL 2013 ••••
ITED TESTING: Our school, each spring, similar to area grade schools, conducts Iowa Tests with students. In the case of high school, the tests are called Iowa Tests of Education Development, and are given to 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. Seniors do not take those tests. We test in the mornings, and give students Blue & Gold Dress those days. School starts at the normal time and ends at the normal time.
• Schedule: Monday, 17 April 2013 – Testing 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (the normal lunch start) In the afternoon, the classes will meet, periods 5, 6, and 7. Tuesday, 18 April 2013 – Testing 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Periods 1 before lunch and periods 2, 3, and 4 after lunch.
Our seniors will be taking practice AP tests those mornings.
The AP Literature Practice Exam will be Monday with Mrs. Thomson proctoring.
The AP Calculus Practice Exam will be Tuesday with Ms. Sweeney proctoring.
•• Seniors not taking those practice exams can arrive late. Monday at 12:15, and Tuesday at 1st period or 12:15 if no first period class. ••
BLUE & GOLD DINNER!: THANKS to all who attended, donated, and volunteered! It was a great and successful evening, a lot of fun. Congratulations to our silent and live auction and diamond pendant raffle winners. We raised $21.5K towards our needed goal of $42K. Now, we are on to the annual fund drive part of the Blue & Gold Drive.
Mr. Travis t-shirt sale: Do you have your shirt? We have a few more available in the front office. Are you ready for Monday, 29 April 2013 (our next Travis day)?
Summer Programs: The summer schedule is on the web site now! Check out the plans for summer classes and clinics! Copies are attached to this newsletter and on-line.
Work Day: On Thursday, 25 April 2013, we will have our second annual service day. We have three large projects, and three smaller projects, and are always looking for more. If you have any suggestions or contacts, please let Mr. Iliff know.
ALSO, we will need parent help that day! Specifically, we are going to take on two projects that day that require parent volunteers:
PAINTING THE FRONT OF SCHOOL: We want to paint all of the white security gates in the front of school and all of the curbs. Doing this along with some planting in the “front island” (where the marquee is) will really help to spruce up the front of the school.
PICKING UP THE ALTAR STONES for St. Michael’s Chapel: We would like to have a prayer time in St. Michael’s Chapel on 29 April, and it would be great to have those stones in place. It would require a truck and some heavy lifters driving up to Lampasas that morning, and bringing them back to campus. Again, we need a truck and trailer capable of carrying over 1,000 lbs.
Can you spare part or all of the day? We are going to do some projects on campus as well. Contact Mr. Iliff if you can help.
Approaching dates: District track meet - Thursday, 18 April 2013 – all day, hosted by JPIICHS at Central Catholic No School - Friday, 26 April 2013 – Fiesta Day, Battle of Flowers Senior Luncheon – Sunday, 5 May 2013, 10:15 a.m. Mass @ St. Joseph’s Chapel, Luncheon - noon. Junior Commissioning Mass – Monday, 6 May 2013, 7 p.m., St. Joseph’s Chapel Graduation – 12:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Parish, Graduation to follow.