After-Game Party - Friday, 21 September, 10 p.m.: This Friday, we have a home football game. The game will be at Clemens Stadium, at 7:30 p.m. again Hawkins High School. For those students who need it, we will run a bus to the game and back to campus afterwards. For those students who need a bus ride to the game, a sign-up sheet will be placed on the front counter.
After the game, the Student Council will be hosting an after-game party in the courtyard, with music, sodas, and popcorn. It will be a chance to hang out and spend time together as a school. Given that this is a new activity, we are asking that students -- as soon as the game is over -- head to their cars or the fan bus and come back to campus. This will allow for the after-game gathering to start and end properly. We are looking to end the after game party at 11:15 p.m. At the same time, the cafeteria will be open for parents to gather if they are dropping off a student or otherwise.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Monday, 24 September is our scheduled day for parent-teacher conferences. These will run from 3:00 – 7:30 p.m. These are designed for parents who have some questions about student performance and need the chance to talk with teachers. Teachers will be available during these times, with a break somewhere in the evening for a dinner snack. The time slots will be limited to ten minutes per teacher sessions in order to fit in as many conferences as possible. We would ask that if a student is performing well in a class, there is no need to conference during these sessions. We would ask that these be limited to those parents who need to develop a plan to help a student perform better.
Comal Co. Parade Float: The committee working on the Comal Co. Parade Float is working this week Wednesday during the afternoon, this week Friday, and next week Monday and Wednesday. The team is working during the 8th period study hall and then on into the after school time. Please contact Mrs. Zgabay or Mrs. McKinley to help out, through the school office.
Team photos upcoming: Sam’s Photography will be taking athletic team photos. A pricing envelope will be sent home with each athlete a week prior to the respective picture day; money & envelope to be turned in on that day. • Thursday, 27 September - 4 p.m. - cross country team & individual pictures
Senior photos will be taken on Wednesday, 17 October, with graduation gowns and hats, etc., using Sam’s.
Congratulations to our school community, most especially our choir and the parents on our 25th anniversary committee. Last week Wednesday evening was a fantastic event for our school, and our three honorees were very pleased to have our event as a part of the 25th anniversary celebrations. Further, Archbishop Gustavo and other members of the Archdiocesan senior staff were very pleased with the event and to be a part of it.
Thanks to all who supported the event with their time, talent, and treasure!