************************ The text from the newsletter is copied below.
•••• Updates for week of 19 November 2012 ••••• Happy Thanksgiving! •••••
Parent Meeting - 10 December, 6:30 p.m.: We will have our monthly parent meeting on Monday, 10 December 2012, at which we will work on the strategic plan for the school.
P.L.A.N. Test: All sophomores and juniors will be taking the PLAN test tomorrow, Tuesday, 20 November, starting at 8:10, after morning prayer; the PLAN is the ACT test’s practice test. As you know, we take the PSAT (which is a practice SAT) in the freshman through junior class years. In looking over our current seniors, a number of them are finding that the ACT is the test that they are performing well in, and so we are looking to offer the PLAN in a more accessible way for all students. Last year, Mrs. Strickland gave the PLAN on a Saturday morning. Note that different than the PSAT, which is also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholar Program for junior level students, the PLAN is truly, only, a practice ACT.
8th grade High School Placement Test: Note that the HSPT for 8th grade students is next week Saturday, 1 December 2012. The test starts at 9 a.m.
Final Exams: Note that on Wednesday–Friday, 19-21 December 2012, we will be on a noon dismissal schedule. That day, students will be taking final exams, two per day. Students can be picked up at noon. Teachers do run study sessions that week in the afternoons, and some students find it helpful to study here on campus in the afternoon. The media center is open for those who need it. There is no lunch service.
Note that on Wednesday morning, we will bring back a year one tradition, at the request of the Class of 2013. Back in 2009, Mr. Iliff set up a few borrowed electric skillets in room 105 (known then as the “locker room”) and cooked eggs and bacon, which along with some tortillas & OJ, made for a nice pre-exam breakfast. It also attracted the attention of the Comal Elementary staff, as most of the school had the fried bacon and coffee aroma of a Denny’s. We are going to be doing the same thing this year again for all the students. Mr. Iliff is looking for some parent help in serving up eggs and bacon for 150. Parents, let him know if you can volunteer, starting at 6:15 a.m. on Wednesday, 19 December in the cafeteria kitchen.
Catholic Life Raffle: Thanksgiving is the perfect time to sell tickets! We rely on all our families, to help us reach our budget goal for sales. This fundraiser is not an extra revenue line item – we count on it!
Program ads: Don’t miss out on your chance to participate in this yearly activity. Support student activities at JPIICHS.
Advent decorating: On Saturday morning, 1 December 2012, we cordially invite parents and students up to the school to assist in decorating the lobby and front of school for Advent and Christmas. That morning, as you have read above, is also the HSPT. We are asking for help starting at 9:15 a.m.; that will allow the test takers to arrive and get started, and then there will be space and time to decorate.
Advent Brunch: Don’t miss out on this yearly gathering – Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 8:15 a.m.
************************************ Finally, thanks to all from the Equestrian Club who represented us at Retama Park on Saturday! Congratulations to our basketball teams for bringing home trophies over the weekend – girls, 2nd place at NBCA, and boys, 3rd place at Gateway.