Reminder: 2 p.m. dismissal this Friday, 5 October 2012.
Monthly Parent Meeting Monday, 8 October, 6:30 p.m.: We will welcome back TLU’s Tom Oliver, their VP of Enrollment Services. He has a long career in college admissions, from TCU to SMU to TLU (and before that in the Upper Midwest). He is a great resource for underclassmen, and to those upperclassmen now making college visits. Last year, a small group of parents attended his talk, and all felt it was worth the time and effort. He has a lot of experience, and can answer just about any question.
Star Party - Monday, 8 October: Dusk / 7:45 p.m. – Mrs. Tobias will be running a stargazing opportunity here on campus for all interested persons.
End of Quarter One, Tuesday, 16 October: The end of the quarter is two weeks away. Please be checking your student’s planner and helping to keep him/her on top of their assignments and work.
School Photo Re-takes: Photo re-takes will be 16 October in the morning. For all interested in this, please contact Mrs. Sullivan to get on the list.
Catholic Life Raffle: This Thursday, we will be sending home Catholic Life Raffle information and tickets with students. This is the second of our three major fundraisers, and we ask for all families to participate to make it as successful as it can be. We will send home that information in a separate e-mail as well tomorrow.
Equestrian Club News: The next meeting is Thursday, 11 October during afternoon studyhall time. The club invite all in the community to come out to see the club members as they ride in the Live Oak Fire Prevention Parade on Saturday, October 13, at 2 p.m. There are maps to the parade route on the front counter. Come out to see the horses of the club all decked out.
Founders Weekend: Founders’ Weekend is approaching, and will be a great weekend of fun for our community. Make sure you are saving the date for your friends and neighbors and parish members. Friday afternoon, 2 November 2012, we will have a pep rally and fun here on campus, before the football game vs. Bryan St. Joseph (on the Steele High School campus). Then, the Chili Cook-off on Saturday, 3 November, starting late morning. The student dance will be Saturday evening, here on campus.
Founders Weekend: The Founders Weekend Committee is looking for some student volunteers to help to run the kids games and activities on Saturday morning. Contact Mr. Iliff if you are interested.
PSAT in Two Weeks: Reminder to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors: The PSAT will be given on campus on Wednesday, 17 October 2012, starting first thing in the morning.
************************************ Thanks float committee and our cheerleaders and students for their work on the float for the Comal County Fair Parade and for participating in the parade. We had a great turnout, and all had fun.
A special thanks to the Faculty Appreciation Lunch Committee for their wonderful meal for the teachers last week. All of the teachers greatly appreciated the effort and the wonderful food.