The Drama Department is proud to invite the community to its 2012 performances of "The Case of Humanity v. Pontius Pilate" on Friday, 23 March, Saturday, 24 March, and Saturday, 31 March. All shows start at 7:30, with interlude music at 7:15 p.m. There is no charge for the performances; donations will be accepted, however. The show on the 23rd is a preview performance in the JPII cafeteria. The 24th and 31st shows are at Steele High School's black box theatre (1300 FM 1103, Cibolo, TX 78108)
The play features 16 student actors, led by our director Mrs. Sandy Schwartz. "These kids are incredibly talented young people, and they balance very active academic and extra curricular schedules," commented Schwartz. "They work very hard to put on great performances each year."
The play, a two-act courtroom drama, features a modern day setting with the main persons surrounding Christ's Passion. The prosecution and defense review and question each person's actions and words from that week, and lay open for the audience what occurred. The play is a serious dramatic work, and has advanced the students' talents in a different direction. "The school has previously only worked comedies, and so this play really takes the students' dramatic skills in a different direction," said Schwartz.
The school offers this play to the community as a Lenten gift, another chance to contemplate the death and resurrection of Christ this Lent.