St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Canonized by Blessed John Paul II on May 16, 2004
Quick Thought:
It seems that if one applies something to their own life that it will be more meaningful. We invite you to think for a moment. Think about a child close to you such as a sibling or a cousin or a friend. Look at that child and meditate on this: that child had 1/3 of a chance of survival because of abortion in our country. That child could be nonexistant at this time. That child who you probably have oo-ed and aw-ed over because he/she is so adorable has changed the life of his/her parents and even you. That child was given a chance at life. Now we challenge you to help other children to have that same chance.
- Our meetings are open to all JPII students. No commitment is necessary. Just come if you want to.
- Families can always donate to Gabriel Project. They are always in need of diapers, blankets for the mothers and the babies, and burp rags.
- If your a crafty person and you want to make something for Gabriel Project or another pro-life ministry, you can make mostly anything for mothers or babies, e.i., stuffed animals, clothes, shawls, etc.
- Pray every day!
- Parents! - If you are worried about your child going to a 40 Days for Life, we encourage you to go to one yourself. Many families go and pray in front of the Planned Parenthood centers with their young children. The best time for children to go is on a Sunday when they're not open.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much!
I beg you to spare the life of (baby's name), the
unborn baby I have spiritually adopted who is
in danger of abortion.
1) Choose a baby name that you feel God wants you to pray for.
2) Pray this prayer every day for 9 months.