School Council
President -- Jim Gilman, General Counsel, Methodist Health System
Msgr. Dennis Darilek - retired priest, Archdioecese of San Antonio, emertius
Deacon Robert Gorman, Ph.D. -- Professor, retired, Political Science, Texas State University - San Marcos
Amy Seebeck - Guardian Parent Group representative
Justin Kelley - Valmark Chevy, Service Director
Dr. Robin Kapavik, Texas A&M San Antonio, Professor
Bishop Michael Boulette, (ex officio) Moderator of the Curia, Archdiocese of San Antonio
Marti West, (ex officio) Superintendent, Catholic Schools of San Antonio
Chana Finch, (ex officio), Dept of Catholic Schools Representative
Andrew Iliff, (ex officio) Principal, St. John Paul II Catholic High School
The council meets on the third Monday of the month, at 6:30 p.m. in the workroom.