For all grade levels, students have required summer reading and assignments in their English and Theology classes to keep students reading and learning, and to expand our curriculum. For the junior and senior levels, make sure you complete the correct English assignment depending on which class you are taking next year - for juniors, English III or AP Language, and for seniors, English IV or AP Literature.
This year there are also required assignments for the junior/senior level AP Chemistry course, the junior/senior level AP Biology course and the sophomore/junior/senior level Honors Medical Microbiology course, and the senior level DC American Government course; if you are planning to be in any of those courses next year, you need to complete the assignment for those classes you are planning to take as well.
It is important that students purchase and read the specific translation or edition of the texts listed. The texts required for each assignment and options to purchase them are contained in each of the respective links below.
Summer reading and assignments are due the first day of school unless noted otherwise in the assignment.
If you have questions about a particular assignment, please contact that teacher through their email address listed in the assignment. If there is no teacher/email listed, or if you have other general questions on concerns, please contact the Academic Dean, Mrs. Thomson, at [email protected].